incredible ... or True ~

How you can "have your say" ... and see the results ?

Most parts of Brisbane and other towns and cities have been subject to development backed by local and state authorities apparently in the endless encouragement of "growth".

Little concern is expressed for the suffering caused to those upon whom development inflicts loss of amenity or other impacts, and even less for the loss of historic, social and ecological reminders of times and cultures past. These are scarce and valuable community resources.

As each local battle occurs and is won or lost, people move on ... some to go fishing others to another place to live. The problem is that this incremental development is insidious, it feeds off itself and cannot be stopped until local character and amenity attributes are destroyed.

Then the developers move elsewhere, often to return later ... !

To provide evidence of what has happened and continues to happen, examples of the processes at work are needed (and some are already provided here).

All you need do is provide by post or email to SOBS, three things.

1. A brief description and address of the site so that others can see the problem, and ...

2. Provide names and contact details for yourself and your local group(s) to allow others to network, and ...

3. Preferably a photo (or photos before and after) to illustrate the problem/issue.

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